Diamond Ball Study Guide
Diamond Ball is a baseball/softball game. It is played just like baseball/softball only the game is played indoors. The CMS P.E. class will use the softball game rules with some other modifications for indoor softball.
Health-Related Fitness Components:
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Strength - Explosive movement - Swinging a bat.
Muscular Endurance
Flexibility - Full Range of Motion - Fielding a grond ball.
Skill-Related Fitness Components:
Agility - Changing speed and direction - Running the bases.
Coordination - body parts move smoothly together - Throwing a ball.
Reaction Time - Hitting a pitched ball.
Skills required to play the game:
Catching Throwing
Rules of the game:
- Fielders may not block the base paths, unless attempting to make a play of a
ground/fly ball.
- 3 outs or 10 run max per inning.
- Not sure on a call? The advantage goes to the runner.
- All pitches will be underhand with a 6-12 foot arch.
- Strikes will be a ball that is swung at.
- Strikes outs will be a third swing and a miss or a ball that hits the plate or extended
mat behind the plate.
- Follow the batting order (LINE-UP) - if batting out of order is discovered the batter
will automatically be called out.
- Fly out is a ball that is caught when hit in the air. If the ball is caught off the
wall/ceiling it is considered an out.
- NO leading off or stealing.
- NO diving or sliding into a base.
- Foul Ball is a ball that is hit into another field/diamond.
- You may tag a runner anytime they are off the base below the shoulders.
- If the ball hits a runner between the bases they are out.
Cues for Catching a ground ball:
1. Start in a Ready Position
2. Move to the Ball
3. Stay low
4. Use both hands when possible
5. Come up ready to throw the ball ahead of a runner
Cues for Catching a fly ball:
1. Start in a Ready Position
2. Drop Step, Crossover Step, Run to ball
3. Use two hand if possible
4. Ready to throw ahead of the runner.
Cues for throwing the ball:
1. Ball in throwing hand behind the ear
2. Step in opposition
3. Throw to a target - the chest of a teammate
4. Follow through to target.
Game Situations:
1. There are two outs or less, and a runner on 1st base. A Ground Ball is hit to you as an in-fielder.
What should you do?
Best Option Throw the ball to 2nd base trying to get the lead runner out (the runner closest to home
2. You are the runner on 1st base. The ball is hit on the ground to an infielder. What should you do?
Best Option You must run since you are being forced to move by the hitter because two runners cannot occupy the same base.
3. You are the runner on 2nd base. The ball is hit into the air. What would you do?
Best Option Stay on the base and watch to see if the ball is caught. If caught, stay on the base, or tag
up and run to the next base if you think you can make it.
As a fielder you need to be able to answer the following 3 questions:
1. How many outs are there?
2. Where are the runners?
3. What do I do if the ball is hit to me?
As a runner you need to be able to answer the following 3 questions:
1. How many outs are there?
2. Where are the other runners?
3. Should I run, stay, or tag up and run?