History - 1895, William Morgan created the game Mintonette, which was later called Volleyball. - 1964, the Volleyball started being played in the Olympic Games.
Rules/Violations: - Six players will play in an official game of volleyball . 3 play across the front and 3 across the back. We modify the game to 4 players to allow more player contact with the ball. - Three hits are allowed on a side before the ball must cross over the net. - A player can not contact the ball two time in a row. - Rally Scoring is when a team makes a mistake the other team scores a point. - A player is not allowed to touch the net at any time during game play. - If the ball touches one of the sidelines or end-lines, the ball is considered in play and legal. - Fouls occur when the ball is not played properly or rules are not followed (for example: hitting the ball using a forearm pass with hands separated, catching and throwing the ball, or the same person hitting the ball twice in a row). Fouls result in a point. - When a point is scored the same server keeps servings until their team loses a point. - Rotation occurs when you team wins the serve back. - The game is played to 25 points. Winners must win by 2 points.
Volleyball Skills: - Forearm Pass - Set - Serve
Skill Execution:
Cues for the Forearm Pass 1. Ready Position 2. Move to the ball - Call the ball. 3. Create a flat platform (table top) with arms extended, thumbs downward. 4. Power - Use you legs for power, very little arm movement. 5. Direction - feet, hips, shoulders square to target. 6. Ball Height - Spring upward extending the legs, keep arms parallel to the floor.
Cues for the Set Pass 1. Ready Position. 2. Move to the ball - Call for the ball. 3. Create the Window - Use your finger tips. Look through the window 4. Power - squat to use the power in the legs - hit from directly above the head. 5. Direction - feet, hips, shoulders square to target. 6. Ball Height - spring upward extending the legs, arms bent and then push to the ceiling.
Setting up an Attack = Bump (also known as the Forearm Pass), Set, Spike. Types of shots include: drop, dink, tip, open space, spike.
Defending space terminology:
FREE - means the other team is not in an attacking position. COVER - means the other team is about to attack, get in a low/ready position.
Fitness-Related Skills: - Agility - Balance - Coordination - Power - New players should not jump to hit the ball because they use up their power. - Speed - Reaction Time- Helps a player anticipate where to move to hit their next shot.
Strategies: - Hit the ball to open space - Vary shot location - Vary shot type